A common sight on the streets of Rabinal is the huipil.A common sight on the streets of Rabinal is the huipil (pronounced we-peel). The huipil, a rectangular, traditional blouse worn by the women, is a remarkable piece of clothing known for its extraordinary colors and patterns. While the untrained eye can certainly enjoy its aesthetics, the true beauty lies in its intricate and painstaking creation.
At first glance, the thread used to construct the huipil appears uni-colored and unrelated to any material that would provide the rainbow of colors that characterizes this traditional piece of clothing. Upon closer examination, one notices smaller streaks of color along the thread. However, even on the loom, it is difficult to imagine how this transforms into a final product. Only once the cross-sections have been started, do the combinations of small bits of colors begin to blossom into the beautiful huipil.
Since arriving in Guatemala, I have tried to use my experiences and thoughts on Guatemalan history, religion, poverty, international relations (both aid and trade) and education to highlight the general social and economic challenges faced by everyday Guatemalan citizens. Like the thread used to make huipils, these subjects might not seem connected or even related to ADIVIMA, but in reality they contain crucial bits of information about the work and challenges that this human rights organization faces on a daily basis.
In the weeks that follow, I will begin the “cross-sections” of this blog, combining these “bits of information” into a final product – how ADIVIMA´s mission and goals, the reconstruction of the social fabric in the communities of the Verapaces through truth and justice, have and will continue to affect not only the communities of Rabinal but also Guatemala itself. I can only hope that it is half as beautiful and intricate as the huipiles that grace the streets of Rabinal.
Posted By Charles Wright (Guatemala)
Posted Jul 21st, 2006