Vps Agreement 2020 Update

14 Apr

Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2020 (PDF, 6.33 MB) The Community and Public Sector Union and the government have agreed on a package that aims to reward you for their important work while ensuring that public services can be made more responsive. Fair Work approved our Victorian public service EA 2020 this afternoon and the agreement will come into effect after 7 days, starting next Friday, October 9, 2020. Gov`t indicate payments before Christmas with agencies that come into contact with the treatment which can last 6 to 8 weeks. Happy holidays. Congratulations to all of you. Under Article 28, employers must also consult with the CPSU to develop action plans for gender equality, in accordance with the Equal Opportunity Act 2020 (Vic). 2. Post a selfie with the hashtags #EqualPayDay2020 #WorkingWomenNeed and #SafeRespectedEqual If you have any questions about the VPS contract, send an email to vpsagreement2020@dpc.vic.gov.au (External Link). BREAKING NEWS: We hear that it`s 97% yes with 23K stake in our VPS 2020 agreement. It`s huge, if it`s true.

More details will be known on Monday. #haveagoodweekend #unionsrock #vicunions #ausunions Article 15 contains a declaration of intent that the VPS agreement must be interpreted as a whole in accordance with the principles of mobility, as well as the explicit commitment that the parties will work on the implementation of the mobility principles for the duration of the agreement. If the agreement is approved, it will be submitted to the Fair Work Commission for formal approval. In the medium term: Probation procedures need to be updated, as well as internal procedures for misconduct and performance and salary changes. The Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2020 was officially approved by the Fair Labour Commission on October 2, 2020 and began its work on October 9, 2020. Flexible work will be clarified and protected by the merger of all existing provisions into a specific part of the new agreement. Workers no longer have to work for 12 months before requesting flexible working time arrangements. Benefits for workers under the new enterprise agreement include annual wage increases, a new mobility premium, higher overtime rates and night work allowances, as well as more parental leave. This enterprise agreement applies, if approved, to ASU members working in the Ministry of Transport. As was widely reported at the time of the vote on the VPS contract, workers will receive a pay increase of just over 8% over the four-year term of the contract, as well as related increases in benefits, with the first increases to be paid from 20 March 2020.

A full list of changes to the current agreement and a copy of the final agreement are attached. In recognition of the principles of mobility, a new mobility payment (similar to an annual bonus) was introduced in the VPS agreement.

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Posted Apr 14th, 2021

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