Ash Kosiewicz

Ash Kosiewicz (Peruvian Forensic Anthropology Team): Ash graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 2002 with a dual degree in government and journalism. After graduation, he worked for two years as a child support officer with the Texas Office of the Attorney General. In 2004, he moved to Ecuador, where he lived for 10 months working with a local foundation in Guayaquil to raise funds for a health center project in the rural canton of Santa Lucia. Upon returning from Ecuador, he worked for two years as communicators director with Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, which provides legal aid to the poor in the United States. At the time of his fellowship, Ash was studying for a master's degree in Latin American studies from Georgetown University in Washington, DC. After his fellowship, Ash wrote: "The AP experience has given me another incredibly impactful experience in Latin America. It has given me an incredible story to tell, one that truly leaves people interested though unsure how to respond. I feel like I’ve gone through some pretty intense stuff, and I’ve come out of it stronger and more aware. I know I can handle tough environments, and work in a fast paced environment."

Sunday Mornings

13 Jun

I lived for Sunday mornings.

Photo credit: Getty Images, The New York Observer

It wasn’t for the satisfaction of sleeping in after staying out late on Saturday nights. It wasn’t to revel in the last free morning of all-too-short weekends.

On any given Sunday for the last 12 years, my alarm clock was set for 10 minutes before 10. I raced to brush my teeth, grab some breakfast, and turn on the TV. Upon hearing a chorus of brass and string instruments, and the words, “Our issues this Sunday,” I knew I had made it. I didn’t want to miss a second. It was time for Meet The Press.

The news of Tim Russert’s death this afternoon left me vulnerably nostalgic. Tim Russert was the reason I got into journalism. When I applied to the University of Texas at Austin in 1998, I framed my passion for journalism in my personal statement by alluding to my regard for what I naively termed his weekly “modern-day Spanish Inquisitions.” His fairness, his preparation, his tenacity – these were the virtues I wanted to embody as a journalist, I wrote. He was my standard bearer.

What I respect most about Russert was his unwavering committment to his craft. He fought his way through smokescreens and half-truths by openly challenging the honesty of public officials purportedly committed to faithfully serving the American people. He shunned lip-service, and he demanded clarity. He even took time on certain Sundays to set Washington aside and examine in-depth some of the most pressing issues of our time – religion, race, and the family.

Those of Russert’s caliber are few and far between. During my experience in Peru, I’ve realized how easily the truth can be hidden behind a cluster of stars or a handful of medals. After having enjoyed hours upon hours of Russert’s Sunday intrigue, I can say that I’ve learned three important lessons that will hopefully serve me well while I am in Peru.

Work hard, be fair, and dig deep.

Posted By Ash Kosiewicz

Posted Jun 13th, 2008


  • Holly

    June 13, 2008


    Tim Russert will be sorely missed. He is a model to follow, not only as a journalist but as a person. Godspeed.

  • Caitlin

    June 13, 2008


    We are all lucky for the journalists, like you, that Tim Russert inspired.

  • gk

    June 18, 2008


    The news was sudden and tragic. Russert was the best. You and I would often discuss MTP after the show and dissect it further. Tim helped make politics accessible and even fun. He was tough and fair, and never condescended. He wasn’t the typical talking head who only wanted to get publicity and viewership. He was an actual journalist who happened to be on TV.

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