Share Selling Agreement Sample

07 Oct

BUYING AND SELLING. Subject to the terms of this Share Purchase Agreement, Seller agrees to sell to Buyer and Buyer agrees to purchase from Seller [NUMBER] [TYPE] shares of the Company (the “Shares”). A share purchase agreement should be used whenever an individual or company sells or buys shares in a company from or to another person or business entity. A share purchase agreement is a contract for the sale and purchase of a declared number of shares at an agreed price. The shareholder who sells his shares is the seller and the party who buys the shares is the buyer. This agreement describes the conditions of sale and purchase of the shares. one. The purchaser would not be recognised as an issuer, insider, related undertaking or associated enterprise of the undertaking within the meaning of the definition or recognised securities legislation and rules. b.

Buyer is not bound by any agreement that would prevent transactions related to this Agreement. c. To the knowledge of the buyer, no legal action or legal action is pending against any party that would seriously infringe this agreement. one. The seller is not recognized as an issuer, insider, related business or associated enterprise of the enterprise within the meaning of the definition or recognition in accordance with applicable securities laws and regulations. b. Except as provided in the company`s governing documents or on the front of the certificates for the shares, the buyer would in no way be prevented or limited from reselling the shares in the future. c.

The seller is the owner of the clear ownership of the shares and the shares are exempt from pledge rights, charges, security interest, fees, mortgages, pledges or adverse claims or other restrictions that would prevent the transfer of clear ownership to the buyer. d. Seller is not bound by any agreement that would prevent transactions related to this Agreement. e. To the seller`s knowledge, no legal action or legal action is pending against any party that would seriously undermine this agreement. The class of common shares or preferred shares may affect the shareholder`s share of the company`s profit or the amount he receives in the event of the liquidation of the company, and whether a shareholder has voting shares or not, determines whether the shareholder has the right to vote at general meetings. The sub-folder contains a selection of templates to cover certain situations, including share sales with or without assignment of debtors and creditors, with or without transfer of ownership and with or without security. A comparison matrix is available to help you decide which share sale contract is best for your purpose. These documents do not contain tax agreements or tax guarantees and, in this regard, independent legal advice should be obtained. The structure of a company`s shares is often found in the company`s articles of association.

The document requires important information, such as the parties to the transaction, the description of the shares, the purchase price (consideration), the parties` guarantees and assurances, the requirements before and after completion. . . .

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Posted Oct 7th, 2021

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