Schengen Agreement Definition

12 Apr

Vatican City has an open border with Italy. In 2006, it expressed interest in joining the Schengen Agreements with a view to closer cooperation on the exchange of information and similar activities under the Schengen Information System. [110] Exceptionally, Italy allowed people to visit Vatican City without being accepted for an Italian visa, and then to be escorted by police between the airport and the Vatican or by helicopter. [Citation required] However, there is no customs union (including customs) between Italy and the Vatican, so all vehicles are controlled at the Vatican`s borders. Differences of opinion between Member States led to a deadlock in the abolition of border controls within the Community, but in 1985 five of the ten Member States at the time – Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany – signed an agreement on the phasing out of border controls. The agreement was signed on the princess Marie-Astrid boat in Moselle, near the city of Schengen,[5] where the territories of France, Germany and Luxembourg meet. Three of the signatories, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, had already abolished common border controls under the Benelux Economic Union. [Citation required] Etymology: From Schengen, the city of Luxembourg where the agreement was concluded and ratified. However, some third-country nationals are allowed to stay more than 90 days in the Schengen area without having to apply for a long-stay visa. For example, France does not require citizens of Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City to apply for an extended residence visa. [252] In addition, Article 20, paragraph 2, of the Schengen Agreement continues to apply it “in exceptional circumstances” and bilateral agreements concluded by some signatory states with other countries prior to the convention`s entry into force.

For example, New Zealand citizens can apply to any Schengen country (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland) which had already concluded bilateral visa-free agreements with the New Zealand government prior to the agreement, without the need to apply for a long-stay visa, will apply 90 days within 180 days for travel to other Schengen countries. [253] [254] [255] [256] [257] [258] [259] [260] [261] [262] [263] [263] [263] [263] [excessive quotes] Schengen States, Member States that share a common land border with a third state are allowed, in accordance with the European Union Regulation 1931/2006, to conclude or maintain bilateral agreements with neighbouring third countries for the purpose of implementing a border space system. [273] Such agreements define a border area of up to 50 km on both sides of the border and provide for the granting of permits for small border traffic for the inhabitants of the border area.

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Posted Apr 12th, 2021

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