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01 Oct

After becoming somewhat the national language in west-central Italy (as towards the end of the first millennium and Rome), Latin spread and simply spread with the great development and power of the Roman Empire, before which and without Latin was and would have remained a minority language and to which it might not have survived. Some of this Latin terminology is widespread in general discourse and in written communication; Other Latin terms are used less in specific situations, especially in the legal, scientific, and educational/scientific fields. For a “dead” language, the resilience of Latin is extraordinary. Its resilience would be extraordinary if Latin were a living language. Here are some examples of Latin terms widely used in English, including some very common abbreviations: Latin is obviously essential to the functioning of many basic trades and disciplines, and for the rest of us, Latin remains fascinating and useful in understanding our everyday language, especially Latin expressions and terminology that survive and are born in economics. Technical definitions, law, education, grammar, etc. Roman numerals used symbols of the Latin alphabet and are still used today in traditional/official/dramatic works as well as on watches and watches. There are different and unproven views on the original forms and development of these symbols. The simplest theories are that the symbols represented the signals of the hand (Alfred Hooper, 1945, 1-4 – Fingers; V – inches, plus fingers; X – two inches crossed) or separately, these are notches or tally-stick cuts (which today traditionally survive in some parts of Europe), so that 1-4 – individual cuts; 5 – double cut; 10 – Cross-section. Beyond these sentences, other concepts are too complex to summarize here. The symbols C and M were probably influenced by the corresponding Latin words Centum and Mille. The numbering system essentially works according to the basic rules: below is a list of Latin terms that are still used in English (to varying degrees). Latin terms in English – technical, legal, popular, fascinating One of these branches became Latin early or ancient and settled in the Italian peninsula (that is, in modern Italy).

Latin is the language of ancient Rome, whose kingdom, at the beginning of the first millennium, included most of Europe, especially that of the greatest domination of the Roman Empire, around 300 BC. In fact, Latin clearly did not survive as a living language, but it survived and probably became the most important “dead” language in the world, because it was part of governance, science and education that the world could not function and develop without it. Several ancient Latin names survive in modern times with similar or related meanings. Here are some examples, as well as other Latin names, which are in themselves interesting, even survive. Latin terminology, expressions and sentences are widely used in the English language. Modern meanings and uses, although developed and adapted, generally still reflect original translations. There are many very familiar Latin terms in the following list, as well as literal/original meanings and examples for modern use. Here is the list of Latin terms, including some very common popular phrases and a lot of less common but fascinating specialized terminology: Latin numerals are originally contained in many English words.

Here are the most important examples. The key elements are those most often found in English words. These meanings are useful for understanding the unknown words that contain these elements. (Note that the months of the year were designated if the calendar contained only ten months.) Latin is still taught to millions of students around the world and will take a lot of time.

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Posted Oct 1st, 2021

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