Giorgia Nicatore

Giorgia Nicatore (Sini Sanuman in Mali): Italian by birth, Giorgia grew up in Belgium. Before her fellowship, she studied the philosophy of war at King's College London. She also worked in Senegal, Gambia and Guinea-Bissau where she discovered the power of local peace-building. Giorgia took a semester off from studying for a Master's in Conflict Resolution at Georgetown University in Washington to work in Mali. After her fellowship Giorgia wrote: “Six months in Mali and I don’t want to leave. I am not tired. I have found wonderful friends and accomplices in this city, in this country; I feel that this project, that I am fortunate to be part of, has the potential to have a real impact, and indeed already has.”

News from Bamako

05 Sep

Last week Sini Sanuman officially opened its reintegration centre in Bamako.After countless hours of searching for a suitable location and qualified trainers, assembling beds and setting up sewing machines, the centre finally welcomed its beneficiaries, thirty women survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, for the first full day of training. The women immediately began their recuperation with the help of psycho-social treatment and skills training.

First day learning to sew

Though Sini Sanuman did encounter a few challenges along its path, its programme in Mali’s capital is now also well underway. The drive of Sini Sanuman’s staff is heartwarming, and it also thanks to them that the atmosphere at the centre felt comfortable right away. The centre hosts more than 30 people during the day with the possibility of hosting up to 5 people per night. Although the programme was originally designed to have women stay overnight for a month in order to recuperate away from family obligations, it quickly became clear that culture and customs would not allow it. It simply would not be possible for women to leave their families for a month, so Sini Sanuman decided to offer lodging to those who request it or need it
the most.

Learning embroidery
The centre is aimed at both the social and economic reintegration of the beneficiaries through social and psychological help as well as skills training. The first day involved mainly the beginning of sewing and embroidery trainings. These trainings will help women become more financially independent in the long run, but they also have the power to instill confidence and make women regain their self-appreciation in the short term.

The next four months will undoubtedly show us what works best, and what might need to change, but for now I think that it is important to make sure women get the support they need from Sini Sanuman’s psycho-social services and from the trainings, both in Bamako and in Bourem.

Posted By Giorgia Nicatore

Posted Sep 5th, 2014


  • Thomas

    November 16, 2014


    I am heavily impressed by the good work Sini Sanuman is doing! The combination of giving psycho-social services and trainings to the women in need at the same time is probably a great strategy to help them recovering and to get back a feeling of “normal life”. I am curious how litteracy is spread among the women and if Sini Sanuman maybe also can help in that regard to making the women more independent?

    • Giorgia Nicatore

      November 29, 2014


      Interestingly, one of our trainers had the idea of initiating a literacy training amongst them. Most of them (more than two thirds) are not literate and only speak their (local) language. I think this aspect would be a great addition the second half of the project (ie. in 2015)!

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