Here we go. Tomorrow is D-day. As part of the disarming domestic violence campaign, VDS will be organizing a conference on the topic. Considering the research and scholar profile of our organization, this event will gather journalists, politicians, social workers, NGOS, women organizations, the aim being:
First, to raise awareness on this issue and have it written on the political agenda. Second, but this will take time, to change the existing legislation to a more comprehensive and protective one for women. In fact, the policies most likely to protect women from armed domestic violence are those which focus on how private individuals acquire guns and store them. This is why this campaign focus on encouraging to harmonize national arms control legislation with their domestic violence laws. Among IANSA recommendations, one can find the following:
-Treat intimate partner and family violence as a serious crime and protect and support women who report it
-Disarm perpetrators of intimate partner and family violence
– Refuse new guns to perpetrators of intimate partner and family violence
– Require all guns to be stored safely
– Train law enforcement officials to address armed intimate partner and family violence
Jasmina Nikolic who was the king pin in organizing the conference at VDS office and myself have been working hard this week to announce the conference as broadly as we could: we made flyers, leaflets, press releases for the journalists… and we also produced our own Serbian logo, which I’m very proud to present you.
Jasmina also went on national TV on Monday the 15th, to announce the conference. I thought it might be useful and entertaining for you to have a small extract of this so I turned it into a small film that I tried to translate in English in the most accurate manner. It also gives you the opportunity to meet with Jasmina, who’s been very supportive for me, and has shown a great deal of availability.
Posted By Fanny Grandchamp
Posted Jun 17th, 2009
June 17, 2009
Your blog makes me proud of you!
Love you
Sarah Masters
June 18, 2009
Thank you Fanny, your blogs are excellent and tackle some of the common misperceptions of both the gun issue and domestic violence. I particularly like the way you are making the connections between countries which, on the face of it, appear to be quite different. As you are finding, upon scratching the surface, we learn so much more about what each has in common – the numerous preventable deaths – through gun violence and domestic violence.
June 19, 2009
Fanny, your blogs are excellent!!!
I wait for tomorrow.
Milan Milivojevic
June 22, 2009
Lepo je upoznati i znati Don Kihota u zenskom obliku koji se bez maca i stita namerio protiv nasilja bilo koje vrste.Samo napred u pobede i nadam se da ova tvoja epizoda nece biti samo sjajna tacka u tvom C.V-ju,vec ambicija novim snagama koji ce doci posle tebe.
Fanny Grandchamp
June 22, 2009
Thank you Milan. I’m touched by what you wrote and won’t give up being a Don Quichotte. Promess. And this Serbian experience can’t only be an additional line on a CV because I found people like you, interested, interesting and from whom I have a lot to learn still. Take care.
germain reinier
June 23, 2009
People who know you know also that action is your stuff! Great idea to translate this video in english to raise awarness. I learned more because of you. I love you
June 29, 2009
Dear fanny
congratulations for your action for the gun issue and domestic violence.I’m very proud to see that a young woman as you is able to manage a such project
kisses from Annecy