The last major event of the CEMUJER calendar for 2008 was the presentation of a two year project proposing significant reforms to legislation on Human Trafficking specifically related to the issue of Commercial Sexual Exploitation. The work coordinated by CEMUJER, the National Committee on Human Trafficking and CORDAID involved the presentation of a national policy proposal, a proposal for a unified internet based data collection system, and various informational pamphlets about the issue.
The event gathered together representatives of different representatives of the Government, NGO, and Diplomatic community who all find the issue of utmost importance and urgency. The President of the Supreme Court of Justice, the President of the National Committee on Human Trafficking and the President of CEMUJER were all the keynote speakers. The event presented the major findings and urged civil society to continue to work towards eradicating human trafficking in El Salvador.
Posted By Hannah McKeeth
Posted Dec 10th, 2009
1 Comment
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