Adin Becker

Adin Becker is a first-year student in the Master in Urban Planning at Harvard University concentrating in international and comparative planning. His diverse interests, which span environmental planning, public policy, health, and economic development, have led him to engage with collaborative, place-based projects worldwide that position local communities as the arbiters of future progress. Before enrolling at Harvard, Adin completed a Watson Fellowship titled Jewish Persistence in the Periphery of the Diaspora during which he highlighted the disappearing traditions associated with Jewish communities in sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. He also worked with remote communities to acquire grant funding for projects ranging from the construction of new water conservation infrastructure to the establishment of educational facilities. Previously, Adin also worked as an urban planner in his hometown of Portland, OR where he expanded bikeshare programs, helped embed equity within participatory planning processes, and established relationships with local nonprofits, donors, and the City of Portland to fund multicultural re-entry projects in gentrified neighborhoods. He received his BA in political science and Middle Eastern history from Pomona College. During his undergraduate studies, Adin helped lead his cross-country team to a national championship, organized Jewish cultural events on campus, taught summer courses in English and Science Fiction, and studied abroad in Jerusalem where he conducted research on Middle East-Latin America relations and designed curricula for high school students in Buenos Aires. Adin has lived and worked in 15 countries, is a polyglot, and believes strongly in the promise of international collaboration. During his fellowship with The Advocacy Project, he looks forward to working with Jeevan Rekha Parishad in Odisha State, India to contribute to malaria prevention, tell the stories of local tribes, and attract new project partners.

Hot Times in Daspalla

19 Jun

JRP manages many programs, most of which are based in rural or tribal areas. While program management largely takes place at their headquarters in Bhubaneswar, fieldwork is the essence of what JRP does. The malaria program, including the Neem Oil startup and the larger malaria prevention project around the Chandaka Forest, would not be possible without in-person education, relationship-building, and monitoring. Many rural areas still have a low internet penetration rate; nothing will happen unless you make the effort to visit.

The second half of my fellowship, when the rains are expected to cool temperatures by around 15 degrees, will largely be spent in the field. However, I recently returned from a four-day initial visit to the Daspalla tribal area, where we monitored the early stages of the Neem startup and promoted participation from local communities.

Before venturing into the field, my assumption was that the landscape would be arid and brown. As we are currently at the tail end of the dry season, I expected the vegetation to be lying dormant after months without rain, much like the African savannahs I am familiar with. My first shock upon exiting the bus was Daspalla’s stunning beauty. It’s a lush, verdant environment abounding with towering old growth mango trees, multiple varieties of palms, and flowers of every color imaginable. Unlike other savannah biomes, Odisha maintains its greenery year-round due to its unique flora and varied topography. Many trees, like the ubiquitous Sal tree, have deep root systems and waxy leaves that help reduce water loss. The state’s mountainous terrain also traps water in streambeds and shaded valleys.

A view of the forest in the Daspalla tribal area

An old growth mango tree


After a quick lunch in town, Surajita and I boarded an auto to the JRP field office. Daspalla city is somewhat urbanized, but one quickly reaches tribal areas after leaving the city center. The buildings transition from multi-story concrete blocks into Kumbha ghar, traditional homes built out of mud, clay, wood, bamboo, straw, and plastered with cow dung. The dress is different too. In the city, western clothing predominates while brightly colored sarees and dhotis, long, unstitched pieces of cloth wrapped around a man’s waist and legs, are more common. The field office, a relatively new building in the middle of the tribal area, stands in contrast. Newer isn’t necessarily better, however. The traditional mud homes stay cooler.

Two women sit in front of their home in Daspalla

Traditional homes on the main street of Pokarigaccha

A woman wearing a Sarri

Man wearing the traditional dhoti


Although our visit was short, Surajita designed a packed itinerary for our visit. I have to commend her effectiveness and efficiency in the field. In four days, we:

Made two wall paintings to highlight the process of collecting neem seeds, neem oil’s health benefits, and the Neemola brand.

Group picture in front of wall painting 1

Group picture in front of wall paintain 2 (at night)


Conducted an interview with a tribal woman participating in the startup.

Group picture after interview


Visited local homes and developed relationships with current and potential participants.

Surajita with a local family’s child

Surajita meeting with community members


Joined a women’s cooperative during neem seed collection to understand the process and gather footage for a promotional video.

Heading out to collect neem seeds

A photo in the forest where neem trees grow

Meditation break

Removing the stems from neem seeds

Drying the neem seeds after harvest


Checked on the status of the machines that will process neem seeds into neem oil.

Neem oil extraction machine


Visited greenhouses and cold storage units which were constructed as part of JRP’s smart farming program. This program aims to expand agricultural production in tribal areas.

Inside a greenhouse sponsored by JRP and Jeevika Trust

Inspecting a cold storage unit


Overall, the startup is in good shape. More than 50 women’s cooperatives have signed up for the program, neem seed collection is underway, and updates on the amount collected are being provided on a weekly basis to JRP’s two on-site field coordinators. The machines and bottles will be ready come time for processing, and every community member we spoke with expressed interest in using the finished product.

At this stage, heat remains the biggest hurdle. Indeed, it is impossible to work or be productive during the heat of the day. Temperatures approaching 110°F combined with humidity levels between 60-70% create life-threatening conditions for those engaging in outdoor activities. The high heat and humidity result in wet bulb temperatures exceeding 95°F, making it safe to be active outside only for a couple of hours during the morning and evening. It’s so intense that during the hottest moments, even the wind from riding a motorcycle feels like a blow-dryer. The heat is probably the largest hurdle for Surajita, who not only struggles working in the heat herself, but also faces challenges rallying people to engage with the startup in these conditions. During downtime, people retreat to the shade and eat water rice, the local specialty. One hot afternoon, while relaxing under mango trees that were being harvested by local kids, I also discovered a new favorite fruit of mine: the sour, tangy Kendu!

Everyone Struggles in the heat


Despite the tough conditions, this is a critical startup. The infernal temperatures won’t persist indefinitely. Soon, the rains will start, and mosquitos will once again proliferate. Currently, Odisha has the highest rate of malaria in India. The tribal regions face significant economic challenges, with most people relying on subsistence farming for their livelihoods. However, women’s participation in these agricultural activities is limited. The startup offers a chance for women to contribute to their household incomes by working just a few hours daily, providing a valuable supplement to their families’ financial well-being.

The work is hard, but Surajita is truly the ideal person for the job. Not only is she a native of the region, but she is also a competent, highly organized individual who interacts with every community in the field with grace. Her friendliness is so infectious that traveling alongside her is effortless – no matter where we journeyed, we were greeted with welcoming smiles and gifts of fresh fruit. Daspalla – with its natural beauty, friendly people, and delicious food – is wonderful. I look forward to returning when the weather is more manageable.

The friendly people of Daspalla

Posted By Adin Becker

Posted Jun 19th, 2024


  • Mary Ellen Cain

    June 24, 2024


    Great blog, Adin! It must be very gratifying to see how eagerly the friendly people of Daspalla participate in the Neemola project expecially in such hot weather. (Our recent heat dome in this part of the U.S. makes it difficult to be outside during most of the day, but at least most of us have access to A.C.) Your pictures are also terrific! The beautiful plants and trees, the brilliant colors of the sarees, the wall paintings, the various activities of the people, etc. are so well portrayed in the pictures. Surajita sounds like the perfect project coordinator and guide for you as you become acquainted with the people and the various components of the project. You have accomplished a lot in the first month of your work for JRP!

  • Iain Guest

    June 24, 2024


    This is a truly wonderful blog, Adin. It’s packed with colorful touches and offers a lyrical description of your journey into the forests of Odisha in search of the Neem tree! It may be piping hot out there, but I can appreciate the shade in your blog! Also, Surajita, your colleague from JRP, emerges as a calm presence, much loved by the villagers. OK, that’s enough sentiment! Time to for the two of you to put your business hats on and prepare to launch the Neemola oil startup. Look forward to your next blog and the next stage of your adventure!

  • Bobbi Fitzsimmons

    June 24, 2024


    I really enjoyed reading this blog, Adin and can see that much will be accomplished during your stay. The photos add so much to your writing. I was particularly interested in their wall paintings. I can see how they might begin to translate these ideas into embroidered works that we can then turn into a quilt, or even lead to a Sister Artists project in the future .Perhaps that’s asking too much with your already packed schedule, but it might be something to discuss with Surajita. I hope the temperatures abate soon.

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