Josanna Lewin

Josanna Lewin (Vital Voices - Business Women’s Network hub, the Eagle Women Empowerment Club (EWEC)). Born and raised in Hawaii, Josanna studied in Costa Rica for 6 months with the American Field Service (AFS) in 1998. She received her BA in Political Science from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2004. Upon graduation, Josanna spent a year working as an English teacher at the Universidad Central de Ecuador in Quito, Ecuador, and in Italy. Josanna spent three years working in San Francisco in the business development field. She is fluent in Spanish and has worked as a Sexual Health Educator with the Marin Aids Project (MAP) for at risk Latino youth. At the time of her fellowship, Josanna was pursing her Master’s in Public Administration AT the Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS). After her fellowship, Josanna wrote: “It has been a summer of learning, sharing and laughing with some incredible women. They are beautiful women and it is these women, these mothers, these sisters, these leaders, who are the future of Africa. This was a truly incredible summer and I’ve had such a positive experience. I’ve fallen in love with Ghana!"

Ghana Scores!

16 Jun

I was surrounded by hundreds of sweaty men screaming, leaping, chanting, and going absolutely wild.  I admit this wouldn’t normally be a situation I would actively choose to put myself in.

Determined to be where the action was for the World Cup 2010 game between Ghana and Serbia, I set out on Sunday afternoon to find the men.  In Ghana, while both males and females have great pride for their country and soccer team, it hasn’t been hard to miss that when a soccer match is televised, you’ll find a good majority of males, regardless of age, closely huddled around the nearest TV or radio in rapt attention.  With the city streets of Accra lined with local food vendors and merchants, this often means two dozen men packed around an outdoor food stall watching a mini TV that receives less then satisfactory reception.  Regardless, rain or shine, day or night, you’ll see this image repeating itself throughout the city.  And so is the commitment of Ghanaian men to their beloved soccer.

Told that the game would be televised on a large outdoor screen not far from where I live, I set out with enough time to have a local street artist paint the Ghanaian flag on half of my face (for less than a dollar!) and find a cozy spot on the street to watch the game (in the middle of hundreds of men).  I quickly learned that one of the keys to a Ghanaian’s heart is to paint your face with their country’s flag.  I was welcomed into the crowd of soccer fans with thumbs-up and high-fives, and was even picked up several times in moments of excitement.  My Ghanaian soccer support was greatly appreciated!  Needless to say, it was an intense and fantastic 90 minutes of soccer game, though I really had no idea of the utter mayhem that would take place when Ghana scored the only point of the game.  My calves, I admit, were slightly sore on Monday from the non-stop bouncing that took place throughout the game and when Ghana scored the only point, I joined the masses of men (and some women) leap with pure joy for 10 straight minutes.  It was a LOT of fun.

Interestingly, it was only after the game had ended that all of Ghana came out of the woodwork and fled to the streets to celebrate their victory. Men, women and children of all ages were out in full force sporting their country’s colors, holding their country’s flag, and truly celebrating Ghana’s win with great pride.   I spent much of the afternoon and evening smiling and laughing,  thankful to be able to join Ghana in such a great day of celebration.

While this victory was clearly important to all Ghanaians and to Africa, I still believe it is the men of this country that hold a special place in their hearts for soccer.  As I type this now, without even peering out my apartment window, I am comforted by the perpetual hum of the local mechanic’s TV playing its soccer and the voices of the boy, the friend, the father, and the grandfather watching their game together.

See you soon!

Posted By Josanna Lewin

Posted Jun 16th, 2010


  • Claire

    June 18, 2010


    Beautiful photos Josanna! Enjoy the World Cup!

  • Sandy

    June 18, 2010


    How fun. Go Ghana! (I think it is Ghana vs. Australia on Friday)

  • iain

    July 11, 2010


    Great piece of writing. Bummer that Ghana didn’t get through. One question from this post: if socer is a man’s sport in Ghana, what do women support? How about pushing for a law like Title 9 – the US law that requires equal funding for men’s and women’s sports at universities?

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