Expressions In Spanish To Show Agreement

09 Apr

There are four ways in which concordance is generally expressed in Spanish — if you look at the way English speakers use the verb to accept. Algunas de estas expresiones sohn expresiones coloquiales. Creo que en los cursos intermedios es muy important saber mes sobre cémo habla la gente en la calle realmente, porque a veces es un poco diferente de como se explica en los libros. Some of these expressions are familiar expressions. I think in the intermediate courses, it`s very important to know more about how people actually talk on the street, because sometimes it`s a little different from the way things are explained in textbooks. Hoy vamos a ver cemo expresar acuerdo o desacuerdo en espaéol. Today we will see how we can express points of convergence or disagreements in Spanish. Expressing your agreement or disagreement is an important part of the discussion. How can you say that the person you are talking to is a locomotive that thinks so, or how you agree with another person`s brilliant thoughts? If you are already at a conversational level in your Spanish, it is very helpful to use a few words that would help move the conversation forward and convey your ideas even more. So whether you agree with something that has been said or you don`t agree, here are lists of Spanish words that you can use. Again, we`re in the “Yo… “Yo tampoco” and “Yo” are the options available because I led with a negative. “Yo tampoco” would express the consent negatively, and “Yo” would reverse it to an assertion.

Again, it`s your choice based on what`s right for you. “Yo no” and “Yo también” are both out in this case. It should also be noted that the combination of “Yo – Yo” and “A m” is not the only one. In fact, a string answer can be given to a personalized command prompt in each grammatical person (i.e. the first, the second, the third). I say “personalized” to distinguish these impersonal expressions like “Nieva(It snows), “Llueve (It rains) ” and “Il martes (It`s Tuesday).” You can`t really personally react to it in the same way. All of these measures are valid and linguists (and educators) would be wise to include a healthy mix of all. In addition, I would say that there is a simple, elegant and effective way to improve fluidity. I will call these answers at the end. These expressions also work for advanced students who want to refine their Spanish, as they do for beginners who want to put water. All right, so far, so good.

Now comes the area where people can make the most improvements.

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Posted Apr 9th, 2021

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