2024 Start-ups and Projects


Stella Makena and Eunice Ngigi with Chinese cabbage grown from compost in the Kibera informal settlement of Nairobi. Stella heads a pioneering project by the Shield of Faith Association to compost food waste and improve food security which began as a start-up and will be supported by AP in 2024.


In 2024 The Advocacy Project is supporting the projects described on this page. All serve under-served communities and are led by advocates from the communities who have themselves been directly affected.

All projects supported by AP begin as start-ups and receive an initial investment of $1,000. If the goals are met within a year, we will work with the partner to find other donors. Once the program contains a clear plan for producing social change, we will offer support for up to five years.

Click here for a list of the services we offer and read about results in our annual reports. View projects and campaigns supported by AP since the pandemic: in 2020; in 2021; in 2022; and in 2023. We are deeply grateful to students who have worked with us as Peace Fellows and hope to recruit between five and ten graduates, undergraduates and high school students in 2024. Apply here for a 2024 fellowship.


Eradicate malaria from tribal villages in Odisha State, India: Jeevan Rekha Parishad (“Lifeline”) succeeded in dramatically reducing infections from malaria in 2023 as described in this bulletin. Lifeline will take its model into more villages in 2024 and launch a start-up to produce mosquito repellent from the Neem tree. AP will deploy a Peace Fellow to help.




Support the struggle for ethnic rights and the environment in Burma/Myanmar: The conflict in Burma/Myanmar has created a humanitarian disaster, oppressed Burma’s ethnic nationalities, devastated the country’s environment and exacerbated the impact of climate change (photo). This new start-up will help two local networks – the Pa-O Youth Organizations (PYO) and Burma Environmental Working Group (BEWG) – to expose the crisis and profile the brave advocates seeking change in Burma. AP will deploy a Peace Fellow to help. 



Compost food waste and improve food security in Kibera, Nairobi: The Shield of Faith Association helps members to compost food wastes in their homes (photo) and produce fertilizer for use on kitchen gardens. The 20 members have composted over 4 tons of waste in 2023 and will take their model into schools in 2024. AP will also support a soap-making start-up by Shield of Faith. AP will deploy a Peace Fellow to help.




Combat conflict and climate change in Northwest Kenya: Children Peace Initiative Kenya will develop a long-term plan to help herders from warring tribes work together against the common threats of climate change and conflict. The plan will build on two successful 2022 start-ups, funded by AP, that helped pastoralists share pasture land in times of drought and strengthened ties between businesswomen from the Pokot and Samburu tribes. AP will deploy a Peace Fellow to help.




Help girls in Zimbabwe to resist early marriage by selling soap: Women Advocacy Project trains girls in the under-served neighborhoods of Harare to make and sell Clean Girl soap with support from AP. The program sold 71,000 bottles of soap in 2023, generating about $54 a month for the 98 participating girls, including Rosemary Panashe (photo). WAP’s goal for 2024 is to cover half the program costs from sales and achieve 50% self-sufficiency. AP will support a new start-up to help the girls complete their secondary studies with help from high schools in the US. Read more here and watch the video!





End discrimination against Badi women in Central Nepal: Backward Society Education (BASE) has launched a start-up to empower Badi women who were condemned to prostitution by the caste system. Although caste has been outlawed in Nepal, Badi women still suffer from extreme discrimination in Tharu areas. AP will deploy a Peace Fellow to help.





Use WASH to improve hygiene and raise the enrollment of girl students in primary schools of Northern Uganda: In 2023, the Gulu Disabled Persons Union (GDPU) and AP installed a WASH package (accessible toilets, handwashing stations and changing rooms for girls) at the Panyakworo primary school – the sixth school refurbished in the district of Gulu since 2015. Over 8,000 students have benefited. In 2024, GDPU and AP will work with the Gulu district government to equip a seventh school, monitor toilets in all district schools, and produce Clean Wash soap for schools. AP will deploy a Peace Fellow to help. Watch the video!




Improve the income and food security of River Gypsies in Bangladesh: AP works with the Subornogram Foundation in Bangladesh to raise the incomes of Gypsies and ensure food security on the remote island of Mayadip in the Meghna river. AP has raised funds for three fishing boats that provide jobs for Gypsy crew members and support a feeding kitchen for old and vulnerable Gypsies. Read more about the program here.




Support a family sickened by Agent Orange in Vietnam: Agent Orange has taken a terrible toll on the Cao family in Quang Binh province, as it has on millions of other Vietnamese. All three children – Van, Xuan and Ngoc – were born with serious intellectual and physical disabilities. AP raised $1,470 to purchase a cow for the family in 2022 and will raise funds for another affected family in 2024. Read more about this program here. The project is managed by AP’s partner, the Association for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (AEPD). AP will deploy a Peace Fellow to help.


Soap-making by GBV survivors in Northern Uganda: AP will support a start-up to train Women in Action for Women (WAW), an association for survivors of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), to produce and sell soap. Read WAW stories of survival.



Make Clean Girl soap in the US: AP supports students in US high schools who make and sell soap to fund the education of girls in Zimbabwe. Three school groups participated in 2023, including students from the South Forsyth High School in Atlanta, Georgia seen in the photo. Watch videos from Georgia and from Arlington VA!



Compost food waste in American high schools: AP encourages the composting of food waste in schools as a way to educate students against climate change and promote good practice. Eventually, we hope to connect composting students in Kenya and the US. In 2023 we helped to raise $20,000 for school composting in Pennsylvania.




Sell embroidery and designs from partners in the Global South: In 2024 AP will expand the sale of embroidery from partners through our online store Southern Stitchers to include printed designs. In 2023, as an experiment, we printed butterfly designs from survivors of gender-based violence in Uganda onto tea towels (photo). The towels sold well and we have set an initial target of $10,000 in sales for 2024. Order now while stocks last!