Cynthia Boruchowicz

Monitoring and Evaluation

Cynthia Boruchowicz is a PhD candidate in policy studies at the School of Public Policy of the University of Maryland, College Park. Her research is centered in understanding the mechanisms through which low-skilled workers make the choice between working in the formal or informal sector, which has broad implications for labor, tax and welfare policy. During her studies, Cynthia was a Peace Fellow with the Advocacy Project where she worked for CONCERN Nepal.

Before starting her PhD, Cynthia held positions both at the Research Department and at the Vice Presidency of the Private Sector of the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). She was first a Research Fellow at the Research Department working on issues related to housing, urban development and crime in Latin America and the Caribbean. She worked then as a development effectiveness officer within the private sector of the bank, where she provided development impact and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) analysis for the operations of her division. She earned an MPP from the University of Chicago and a BA in Economics from the Universidad del CEMA in Argentina.