Civil Society in Central America Reacts to Hurricane Mitch (1999)

In October 1999,  Hurricane Mitch hit the countries of Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua with devastating force. The three governments were left reeling, and it fell to civil society to pick up the pieces. As the international community scrambled to mount a coordinated response, Guatemala Partners, a Washington-based NGO that channeled funds to community activists in Guatemala, asked AP to report on these valiant efforts with a view to ensuring that civil society’s role should be recognized at the May 1999 Stockholm conference of donors.


Issue #1, May 11, 1999

Issue #2, May 12, 1999

Issue #3, May 13, 1999

Issue #4, May 17, 1999

Issue #5, May 21, 1999

Issue #6, May 24, 1999

Issue #7, May 25, 1999

Issue #8, May 27, 1999

Issue #9, May 31, 1999