Red Fort Lease Agreement

11 Apr

Subsequently, the Indian Ministry of Tourism clarified that the agreement signed with Dalmia Bharat “was aimed only at the development, exploitation and conservation of tourist amenities” in and around the monument and provided for limited access to areas not related to the main activity. In accordance with the contract, the group will work on maintenance, renovation and provide better amenities in the monument`s premises. It will also cover the marketing of the site and it will be permitted to use its brand name inside the fort, leading to accusations that the country has “sold” its heritage. Red Fort Monument – One of the latest news that has caught everyone`s attention is the central government`s move to lease the Red Fort, one of India`s best-known historical monuments, to Dalmia Bharat Limited, a corporate house. Whether the change of lease government to a private company is successful or whether it turns out to be a relapse will only be over time. There are differences of opinion on this and it is a good thing that people are discussing it, but it would not be fair to make a decision now. We have to wait patiently to see how things evolve to get a clearer idea of how successful this experience is or not. Trinamool Head of Congress and Chief Minister of West Bengal Mamata Banerjee tweeted: “Why can`t the government take care of our historic Lal Qila? The red fort is a symbol of our nation. Here, the flag of India is raised on Independence Day. Why rent it? Sad and dark day of our history. This is the full text of the agreement signed by the government and the Dalmia Bharat Group. It will also provide 3D projection mapping of the fort`s indoor and outdoor facilities, battery-powered vehicles and charging stations for these vehicles, and a themed cafeteria.

Although opposition and public outcry over the government`s decision to lease the Red Fort to the Dalmia Bharat Group continue, a fine reading of the agreement shows that the agreement does not allow “profit.” “The Dalmia Group stated in its own press release that it must “own it for the first time for five years,” and the agreement gives them the freedom to make the Dalmia brand visible. As part of the agreement signed on 24 April, the Dalmia Bharat Group agreed to provide some basic amenities to the monument within six months. These include providing drinking water kiosks, street furniture benches and signs to guide visitors, according to the ministry. Opposition parties today questioned the government`s decision to allow a private institution to maintain the legendary Red Fort, days after a company company signed an agreement with the Ministry of Tourism as part of its “Adopt a Heritage” project. The full agreement for the maintenance of the Red Fort is shown below and important sections have been highlighted. In a statement, the Ministry of Tourism said that the agreement signed for “Red Fort” is “only” for the development, operation and maintenance of tourist amenities in and around the monument and sees limited “access” to non-central areas., the Ministry of Tourism said today in response to accusations from opposition parties that the red fort has been handed over to private institutions.

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Posted Apr 11th, 2021

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