Pea Collective Agreement Bc Government

11 Apr

If the manager does not adjust his decision to the collective agreement, the AEP may file an appeal to have the collective agreement violated. In addition, the parties agreed to make targeted market adjustments to address chronic labour market problems in certain occupations that affect the university`s ability to fulfill, improve and maintain its core academic mission. For example, for senior capital project managers, certain fundraising positions and some IT positions. The current critical capacity adaptation program will end for the duration of the agreement. On 1 July 2021, an adjustment of the salary cap of 0.4% will also be introduced to improve the overall competitiveness of AEP pay scales. As has already been reported, the University and the Professional Association (PEA) have successfully negotiated a new collective agreement for the period from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022. The agreement, which was fully negotiated as part of the BC government`s negotiating mandate on sustainable services, was ratified by both parties and approved by the Public Sector Management Council. Below you will find a PDF file with the three phases of comments, as described by the provincial government. What opportunities are there for professionals who are made redundant by the State who feel that their job classification is insufficient for their tasks and tasks? The collective agreement, which is now available on the staff website, contains a number of updates and changes as a result of the negotiation process. In some cases, the amendments led to approved operating savings and these savings were then diverted to support other changes to the agreement. Compensation in the form of deserving benefit leave for full-time regular workers working in emergency situations is indicated in Schedule H of the collective agreement.

Note that improvements were made to the collective agreement during the last round of negotiations and that members are now entitled to additional compensation two weeks before the recognition process is activated. The collective agreement between the AEP and the DECC province expires on March 31, 2022. The negotiating team may, after consultation with members, indicate a language that aims to improve meritorious compensation beyond the system described above. The recently renewed BCGEU/NUPGE collective agreement is maintained. The amended conditions for physiotherapists, NRAs and NPNs whose previous agreements have not been renewed will be included in the current agreement. When a member of the AEP is faced with the obligation of his supervisor to work overtime as planned outside of normal working hours, the member should remind the employer that the collective agreement provides for article 13 that he or she works an average of 35 hours per week and that schedules must be agreed upon by mutual agreement. Meals under the collective agreement continue to apply when travel status is to come. When employees are on site, meals are usually provided, so there would be no need to claim anything. Other adjustments to the collective agreement: General leave provides up to 35 hours of paid leave per calendar year for workers in personal matters. The reasons for general holidays are quite broad and may include things such as attending a wedding, managing budgetary issues, caring for a sick person, etc. The only restriction for general leave is that this cannot apply to an objective already defined in the collective agreement (for example.

B, annual leave). In recent rounds of negotiations, the employer has not been prepared to change Schedule H pay without the AEP`s agreement to open and amend special compensation (SSO) by 7% of the base salary received by regular full-time workers. The AEP collective agreement does not allow the employer to include the required hours in the worker`s work program, bringing the average to more than 35 hours per week.

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Posted Apr 11th, 2021

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