June 25, 2009, Occupied Palestinian Territories: The Alternative Information Center (AIC) is now taking applications for the second Middle East International Political Camp, scheduled to be held in the Palestinian Territories from July 17 – 24, 2009.
With the success of the first political camp this past April, the AIC looks forward to welcoming a second group of international participants to introduce them to the socio-political realities of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) and Israel.

Participants in the first Middle East International Political Camp in April
The theme of the camp is “Bridges Instead of Walls,” as it aims to promote understanding of the conflict and encourage a positive exchange of ideas among Palestinians, Israelis, and people from the international community. The bridges built among the participants and local organizations are the first step in creating a group of people committed to raising awareness of the situation in the OPT.
The AIC, a joint Israeli-Palestinian activist group, organized the one-week camp, which will include lectures, conferences, and meetings with local grassroots associations and local politicians. The AIC is a partner of The Advocacy Project (AP).
The camp will take a hands-on approach, bringing participants to see the living and political conditions in the OPT for themselves, and providing them with an experience on the ground as opposed to an understanding based on media, propaganda or rumors.
The AIC hopes that camp participants will take this understanding back to their own countries, and that this new awareness will contribute to the peace process in a positive and constructive manner.
The camp is open to anyone, and the deadline for applications is July 1.
The cost of the camp is 320 Euros. This includes the cost of meals, accommodation, transportation within the region, visits to various organizations and lectures. The airfare to Israel and health insurance are not included.
To sign up or to receive further information, please email ahmada@alt-info.org or click here.
Posted By AP Staff
Posted Jun 25th, 2009
1 Comment
Bishnu Bdr Khatri
June 29, 2009
Please provide me your detail information related to middel east political camp.