Abby Weil
Fellow for ADIVIMA, Guatemala
American University
Adam Nord
Fellow for HHR, Sri Lanka
Georgetown University
Alison Morse
Fellow for BOSFAM, Bosnia
Tufts University
Audrey Roberts
Fellow for AWN, Afghanistan
Columbia University
Caitlin Burnett
Fellow for BERDO, Bangladesh
American University
Devin Greenleaf
Fellow for JMC, Nepal
American University
Eliza Bates
Fellow for DWRC, Palestine
Columbia University
Erin Wroblewski
Fellow for FES, Jerusalem
Georgetown University
Gail Morgado
Fellow for WIB, Serbia
Georgetown University
Jeff Yarborough
Fellow for COCAP, Nepal
Columbia University
Jennifer Hollinger
Fellow for CHASTE, Albania
University of Pittsburgh
Jessica Boccardo
Fellow for SKIP, Peru
Georgetown University
Jonathan Homer
Fellow for Undugu Society, Kenya
Georgetown University
Julia Zoo
Fellow for eHomemaker, Malaysia
New York University
Katie Wroblewski
Fellow for ISC and YCC, Macedonia
Indiana University
Leslie Ibeanusi
Fellow for TAMPEP, Italy
Georgetown University
Madeline England
Fellow for HHR, Sri Lanka
Columbia University
Mariko Scavone
Fellow for eHomemaker, Malaysia
Georgetown University
Mark Koenig
Fellow for COCAP, Nepal
Tufts University
Michelle Lanspa
Fellow for TAMPEP, Italy
Instituto de Empresa
Nicole Farkouh
Fellow for COCAP, Nepal
University of New Orleans
Saba Haq
Fellow for AWN, Afghanistan
Tufts University
Sara Zampierin
Fellow for SKIP, Peru
Harvard University
Stephanie Gilbert
Fellow for ISC and ESE, Macedonia
Georgetown University
Tassos Coulaloglou
Fellow for COCAP, Nepal
Leiden University